Rates and Insurance
$152.50 per 60 minute session. Payment can be made by cash, cheque, credit card or debit card. You get a full hour of clinical time and I schedule a minimum of 30 minutes between sessions.
It is also possible to see me while I work under the supervision of a local clinical psychologist. In this case, the cost increases to $172.50 per hour and the receipt is issued by the supervising psychologist in his name. This supervision provides an enhanced level of care in more complex situations.
When the psychologist is supervising my work, he is not present with us for counselling sessions. He reviews and gives his input into the cases he is supervising when he and I meet regularly.
Please check the wording of your plan carefully to determine the requirements of your coverage. Psychotherapy is provided in the Province of Ontario by a number of categories of health care professionals. Your plan may restrict coverage to certain categories. As an example, some plans only cover psychologists.
I ask that you let me know at least 24 hours in advance, if you need to cancel or reschedule a session. I charge 50% of the fee in situations where I receive less than 24 hours notice and the full fee if I receive no notice. This policy applies to first sessions as well as subsequent sessions. There is flexibility for situations such as accidents and dangerous driving conditions.
Please email or phone using the links in the bottom right if you have any questions.
Photo by Riccardo Annandale on Unsplash